

<a href=" Quiles" rel="nofollow">Zelene Quiles</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">Englewood</a>, <a href="; rel="nofollow">NJ</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">US</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">07631</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">1979-02-07</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">Zenzl@aol.comq</a>

Quick Career Description:

<a href=" Acupuncturist" rel="nofollow">Licensed Acupuncturist</a>, <a href=" Certified Herbalist" rel="nofollow">Board Certified Herbalist</a>

The More-than-One-Line Career Recap:

I provide acupuncture and Oriental medicine treatments which are safe and effective for children as well as adults.

Family Facts:

I am a single mother with two amazing children. My boy is 6 years old and my girl is 4 years old. They have opposite personalities, but we are all getting along great! It's quite a daunting task to drop them at school, <a href="; rel="nofollow">work</a>, pick them up and do everything else that comes after that, <a href=" somehow its getting done" rel="nofollow">but somehow its getting done</a>, <a href=" well" rel="nofollow">and well</a>, <a href=" must say!" rel="nofollow">I must say!</a>

A Little More About Me (About my career, hobbies, miscellaneous personal trivia):

I am extremely passionate about the medicine. I have been using it for myself, my family, friends, and even the kids since they were born. It has been such a gift to see what a positive impact it has on everyone. What's extraordinary about it is that it works on a mental-emotional level as well as physical. Right now, I am renting a nice office in SOHO in NYC on Wednesdays. I have practiced Tai-Ji and Wu-Shu martial arts on and off for the past 9 years, and that complements the medicine. I would love to meet other empowered women to learn from and also women who are NOT feeling so empowered so that I may help THEM. If I can answer any questions for anyone about acupuncture and what it can treat, please don't hesitate to ask! Such a simple thing can do wonders for people for anything from stress reduction to more serious health concerns.