

<a href=" Bailey" rel="nofollow">Stephanie Bailey</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">Atlanta</a>, <a href="; rel="nofollow">GA</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">US</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow">1987-01-29</a>


<a href="; rel="nofollow"></a>

Quick Career Description:

<a href=" Assistant" rel="nofollow">Marketing Assistant</a>

The More-than-One-Line Career Recap:

I've just recently graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Marketing. In the past, I've done many retail positions like a personal shopper or a team leader for various companies. Now I'm focusing on starting my marketing career.

Family Facts:

I married my high school sweetheart at a young age. We've been married for almost 3 years. He's currently in Iraq until December 2009. I have a 1 year old son, <a href="; rel="nofollow">Will</a>, who loves to do his own thing.

A Little More About Me (About my career, hobbies, miscellaneous personal trivia):

I've recently graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing. I am now a Marketing Assistant for Speedpro Imaging in downtown Atlanta. Though I'm not an executive yet, I'm very ambitious and determine person. I enjoy reading books and playing with my son. I'm from California but raised in the South.