Just minutes past seeing my kids off to school this morning, my work mode transition began. Glancing through my early morning e-mails, I came across a pleasant surprise. It was the Executive Memorandum: Member Spotlight sent by Executive Moms,™ where I was featured as the Spotlight Member of the Week. It got me thinking about how out of all the job titles I assume: business owner, recruiter, career coach, image consultant, author, blogger and presenter, my most coveted title is “Mom.” Yes, being a mom is the most emotionally demanding and time consuming of all jobs, but the rewards are immeasurable. There is nothing more gratifying than seeing our reflection through our children. But as we mold our kids to follow in our footsteps, they too become little over-achievers with schedules that rival our own. Add the kids’ robust calendar to our already hectic agenda, and there’s little or no time left to spend together.

5 Dual-Purpose Tips to Maximize After-Work Hours With Your Child

1. Double play dates: Kids (especially in the suburbs) live for play dates with their friends. Scheduling a double play date serves more than one purpose. Pair yourselves with a mom and child who share similar interests, and bond through a fun social activity. The children will have a blast while enjoying their time with you. As moms, you will have a chance to network, establish a friendship, or at the very least become carpooling resources for one another.

2. Electronic Detox: Being accessible to everyone at all times is a huge responsibility. Try ridding yourself of your electronic gadgets for a few hours during a weekend or even (dare I suggest?) an entire day. Much like a body detox can restore the mind and body; an electronic detox can have similar therapeutic effects. As you purge yourself of “e-toxins” you will become more relaxed and focused, and your child will reap the rewards of being the center of your attention. This uninterrupted, quality time with your child is priceless—worth every bit of catch-up time when you tune back into your work gadgets.

3. Buddy System: Too often job-related deadlines prevent us from being home mentally even when we’re physically present. Many of us may be tempted or required to resume working after dinner and baths are all done (there goes any semblance of life-work balance). Incorporate a buddy system with your child where you do your “homework” alongside one another. You’ll cherish your child’s company, and avoid feeling guilty for not being home at bed time.

4. “Selfish” Volunteer Act: Coaching your child’s sports team, leading a scout troop, chaperoning a trip, and helping backstage in a school play are all examples of “selfish” volunteer acts. They all entail donating your time toward causes where you can simultaneously spend time with your child. Opt for these types of volunteer opportunities as a way of sharing in your child’s extra-curricular interests and exhibiting your leadership skills.

5. Savvy Commutes: Coordinate haircut, dentist and other appointments so they coincide with your own. Invest in audio books that you can listen to during your travel time together. This is not only an interesting way to spark communication between you; it is an excellent alternative to having your child stare blankly out the window or become addicted to playing mindless video games. For children’s audio book suggestions by age category visit: travelsavvymom.com.


*Originally Posted on The Image of Success Blog: Lizandra Vega’s Tips & Trends To All Things Career (www.lizandravega.com/blog)