What games did you enjoy playing as a child? Jump rope, checkers, basketball, hopscotch? The answer may be revealing to how you’re wired.

Were you reserved as a child and would prefer games that you played alone and you were competing against yourself or not competing at all?

Or where you more outgoing in nature and wanted to participate in games like hide and go seek or team sports?

Did you look forward to seeing who was outside playing or prefer to read or watch t.v?

Now what about your children, what are some of their preferences? Sure they may participate in a variety of activities but which ones do they actually enjoy? Which activities are the ones they can’t wait to do or play? And more importantly….why?

What is it about participating in that activity that feels so good? Not sure…why not ask them, at first they probably won’t be able to tell you but you’ll bring an awareness to them to begin to look at how certain activities make them feel….and that begins a dialogue between you and your child on what feels satisfying and why. A great dialogue to begin in childhood so as an adult they’re not struggling to find out what they truly enjoy.

So …sew a little added dimension into their future now and give them a gift that some people struggle a lifetime to discover.

Deb Ingino


‘Success is not learned, it simply needs to be discovered and nurtured.’