There is a great song by Brad Paisley called ‘Welcome To The Future’ and during the song children profess what they want to be when they grow up.


I love how children dream! Their future is wide open, there is no judgment, no limitations, no second guessing. As children they should be ‘trying on’ their future. Sometimes they’ll do this when they’re playing. 4 and 5 year olds are famous for their wanting to be a fire fighter, a princess, a doctor and more. While they act out their possible future, all the while, they are working out what feels comfortable, what feels right and ultimately as adults they wonder how can they use their God given strengths and make their contribution to this world?


As parents we are in a unique position to help or children dream and welcome their future. Each time we encourage them to try something that would support their dream of what they want to be, it gives them validation. It helps them to feel the possibility of their future, their hope, their dreams.


It helps them to see that you believe what they dream to be is important is important to you too. That you believe in who they already are and the wonderful adult they will be. It helps them to see that you are connected to their aspiration and to them.


So today, encourage your child to dream about their future and see what you can do to encourage activity to support them and welcome to their future!


Deb Ingino
‘Success for your child is not learned, it simply needs to be discovered and nurtured’