EXECUTIVE MOMS IS GOING ON VACATION!  We hope you will enjoy this (updated) reprise of one of our favorite Momorandums from a few years ago, which seems as timely as ever.  We will see you again in September — enjoy these final fleeting days of summer!

Continued economic upheaval.  Concerns about healthcare and Afghanistan.  Is it surprising that a daily dose of morning news leaves you feeling informed, but
depressed, as you face the day?

Our favorite antidote – HappyNews.com

Conceived to be a supplement to more traditional information consumption, HappyNews has a mission to report on, just that– the good stuff that’s happening in the world, and in our own backyards. As they maintain, "our basic belief is not that people should be insulated from bad news… We encourage people to be fully engaged, informed citizens… we just believe much of the traditional media reports a disproportionate amount of negative news." As such, they seek to balance the scales.  

You can turn here for a source of significant news (of the positive type) as well as for quirky stories that engender a smile.  Some examples?  A national news feature on a pregnant woman who saved her neighbors from a fire (versus the many stories about those who’ve perished in one). In contrast to the never-ending stories of corporate greed and corruption in the C-suite, headlining the Happy News business section right now is a feature on a major corporate CEO who just reached the $25 million mark in scholarship funding.  And instead of feeling your psychosomatic tendencies stoked by more stories about swine flu and every other potential health catastrophe, we felt better all around after reading of the Arizona woman whose random ride in a taxicab led her to find a perfect kidney donor match: the cab driver.

Gleaning its stories from an army of citizen reporters, as well as major media sources and wire services, Happy News maintains no agenda or affiliation (political, religious or otherwise).  With due respect to the CNNs of the world, when you log on, this could be a home page to which you could be quite happy coming home…
