It is important that we teach our children that true success does not mean the absence of mistakes.
Mistakes are inevitable, they are a part of our lives, our humanity.
Great leaders were and are not perfect people, we all have flaws and make mistakes. Whether its King David from the bible or how about when Thomas Watson chairman of IBM said in 1943 “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.”.
Heck we all make mistakes. The difference is what happens as a result of those mistakes. I have found that one sign of a great leader is not the absence of mistakes, no they make plenty of them. But great leaders grow because of the mistakes.
This is an important lesson for each of us to learn, parents and children alike and especially important for our children with C and S wiring. They need to know that perfection is not what is expected, growth is.
What did they learn, what will they do differently, how will this change how they look at something. This art of re-calibration is a gift we can teach them now that will last a lifetime!
So go ahead let them make a mistake and grow because one sign of a great leader is not the absence of mistakes but growth because of the mistakes.

Deb Ingino
“Success for your child is not learned, it is simply discovered and nurtured”