Summer tends to be the season when superheroes come out in full force — often prompting new urgent entreaties to transform into a Transformer (or Spiderman or Batman or an X-men or 1 or more of the Fantastic 4).

However, here’s a thought: what if the superhero your formative little person were to strive to be was a supe’d up version of… themselves?

That was the underlying a-ha that led to the creation of SuperYou…

Like so many of the novel offerings we come across, this one came out of a simple moment of invention; when mother and educator Marijane Voltz’s son realized he had outgrown his favorite, well-worn superhero costume, she preoccupied him by suggesting he draw what his new favorite superhero costume might look like.  His sketches had the unintended effect of inspiring her to believe that every child has his or her own rendition of a superhero lying within, waiting to be expressed.

Soon after, a kids costume enterprise was born, based on a core costume of a simple $29.99 unitard that comes in a choice of colors and is marvelously Marvel/Disney logo-free.  You can upgrade to the costume package, and their fun should start when it arrives in the mail in a "Super Secret Briefcase," with a detachable cape, belt, mask … and importantly, a blank patch for your child to decorate and make his or her own.  (For $59.99 it’s more than you might spend on a pre-packaged kids Halloween costume (and boots and wristbands are extra) … but these costumes, which range in sizes from Infants to teens, are decidedly not just for that last day in October.


Read our Latest Blog Post…

We’re back (after an unseemly gap) with a new Marisa’s Executive Mom Musings blog post: In Support of Sisterhood.  Reflecting on how (not so) good we women can be to each other … with a little call-to-action that we might want to renew those ties that bind us?

Read it Now


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