“The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.” Oprah Winfrey

Write a personal mission statement.
Take only one step at a time.
Set goals and write them down.
Observe the opportunities around you.
Walk through doors as they open.
Take a risk daily.
Network constantly – be open to meeting new people.
Renew your childhood dreams.
Start a mastermind group.
Ask yourself, “If I had no fear and could not fail what would I do?”
Find a mentor. You can have one for each area of your life.
Voice the vision you have for your life.
Ask for help when you need it.
Build a support network of awesome women.
Accept and use negative feedback to grow.
Commit to personal and professional development.
Exercise your mind; read, study success and attend seminars.
Exercise your body.
Be gentle with yourself, especially when stressed or PMSing.
Have fun on a regular basis.
Laugh often.
Take weekly time just for you.
Take the long way home.
Hug yourself.
Get counseling if you need it.
Look toward the future with expectation.
Buy a new outfit.
Ask others for feedback.
Write out your goals.
Find a creative outlet.
Be kind to others.
Take a seminar on personal development.
Grow spiritually
Take a vacation to let your mind relax.
Go back to school.
Use your time wisely each day.
Watch others.
Live out of passion.
Define your passion.
Be silly.
Go somewhere completely different.
Switch your daily routine.
Clarify your core values.
Celebrate small victories.
Evaluate your progress.
Pay attention to your thoughts.
Listen instead of talking.
Mentor someone else.
Volunteer to help others.
Investigate your options.
Write out the pros and cons of any decision you are trying to make.
Take 24 hours before saying yes to any new opportunity.
Get support from others daily.
Love your life.
Let others love you.
Tear down the walls of defensiveness and separation.
Admit your mistakes.
Be as authentic as you can in all situations.
Be a cheerleader for someone else.
Physically challenge yourself with some new activity.
Take a personal retreat.
Reward yourself often.
Hang with people who are good to you and support you.
Remove the negative people from your life as much as possible.
Create healthy habits.
Reframe your thoughts.
Be hopeful.
Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.
Listen to your kids – they are smart.
Create joy wherever you go.
Take time to grieve when you need to.
Crying is good.
Turn off the TV.
Accept your body as it is.
Say you are sorry when you are wrong.
Be kind to animals.
Take on a cause.
Feed your body good things.
Feed your mind even better things.
List the facts.
Get rid of the drama in your life.
Don’t exaggerate or make things worse than they are.
Keep it real.
Keep it simple.
Don’t hold a grudge.
Be willing to change and grow.
Laugh at yourself.
Develop an excellent mindset.
Have fun traditions.
Enjoy new or old hobbies.
Don’t fill your schedule too full.
Be realistic with you expectations.
Hold on to yourself.
Stay in your own head – you can not read minds.
Be the change agent.
Think big.
Be humble.
Actively seek out what is best for you.
Try and try again.
Enjoy life!