Since our inception, Executive Moms has been deliberately apolitical (even in a heated election year). However, we feel we have an obligation to be partisan… when it comes to voting for the rights of moms and families.

Did You Know…

In a Harvard study of over 170 countries, the U.S. was one of only four nations without any form of paid leave for new mothers. (The others were Liberia, Swaziland, and Papua New Guinea.)

Mothers are 79% less likely to be hired than equally qualified non-mothers.

A recent study found that mothers were offered $11,000 lower starting pay than non-mothers with the same resume for highly paid jobs, while fathers were offered $6,000 more in starting pay.

Of the twenty most competitive economies in the world, the U.S. is the only one that does not require employers to provide paid sick days.

We therefore salute the organization– quickly rising itself to promote change.

Founded just two years ago, is galvanizing thousands of citizens and more than 85 national and state organizations on the need to create a more family-friendly America. The goal is to raise awareness of important motherhood and family issues, and ultimately drive both cultural and legislative change.

Their action points all come down to M.O.T.H.E.R.S:

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave
  • Open Flexible Work
  • TV We Choose, and Other After-School Programs
  • Healthcare for All Kids
  • Excellent Childcare
  • Realistic and Fair Wages
  • Sick Days, Paid

Choose any or all that motivate you most… and then it’s easy enough to add your voice to those calling for change.
A timely reason to start getting involved TODAY:

As it turns out, the U.S. House of Representatives is likely going to vote TODAY on the Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act (HR 5781). If this bill passes for federal employees (the federal government being our nation’s largest employer), it represents a giant step closer to paid family leave for everyone.

This is a good example of how MomsRising makes it easy to participate; click on this link and it takes about 15 seconds to send a note in favor to Congress. http ://

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