As a mom you may feel you don’t always understand the slang of your kids; however, as an executive, there are times when the fabricated language of business conversations is even more eyebrow-raising. Following one of our favorite features of 2007, we’re excerpting again some of our favorite important- sounding buzzwords of this year…

From, some of the most entertaining new business slang, likely encroaching on an office near you…

  • CFNO: A CFO (Chief Financial Officer) whose answer always seems to be “No” no matter how large or small the purchase request.
  • adhocracy: An organization with little structure run by creating a series of temporary cross- functional teams to do specific tasks. Depending upon execution, the result is either efficient problem- solving or utter chaos.
  • connectile dysfunction: The inability to get a connection. Most commonly experienced when using a cell phone, but can refer to laptops with Wi-Fi cards, etc
  • locked tool box: When a company has the right tools, systems, computers, etc., but lacks skilled employees that can put them to good use.

A few more soon-to-be-classics…

  • bulletize: To highlight supposedly key information using bullet points. “To help explain my idea, I’ve bulletized the main points on the next slide…” Often used by people who can’t explain themselves in complete sentences.
  • blogola: Old-fashioned payola. Used to influence bloggers to write about a given product, TV show, movie, etc. (This, by the way, does not pertain to Executive Moms).
  • OT-mail: An unnecessary, after-hours e- mail sent to co-workers with the sole purpose of time- stamping how late you worked.. Example: 9:24 p.m. email — “Just wanted to touch base on the Johnson account. Let me know when we can meet.”

And a Few That Might Make Your Mom Side Smile too…

  • stealth parenting: The practice of claiming you have a business appointment or breakfast meeting to hide from a less-than-understanding boss the fact you are really taking your kids to school.
  • helicopter mom: An overprotective and overly-involved mom. Helicopter moms can’t simply drop their kids off at school. They must visit their children’s classroom daily to hover and see how they are doing – embarrassing the child and irritating the teacher.
  • leisure guilt: The guilt that comes with taking a vacation or a day off from work. You’re so anxiety-ridden about the work you’re leaving behind (or will be returning to) that it’s less painful not to take time off.

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