The Executive Moms Spring 2006 Luncheon on “Fulfillment” sought to get beyond how our plates runneth over… to why. On this occasion, every plate was provided with substantial food for thought. And now for everyone, this week and next we’ll feature some of those choice morsels from two of our best panelists. Here– thoughts on the theme from Lisa Earle McLeod, inspirational humorist and author of “Forget Perfect:”

Forget aiming for your “plate” to be “balanced”

“The concept of work-life balance is fundamentally flawed at best. It implies that your work is on one side of the equation and your life is over on the other. And in pursuit of this elusive goal, we can find ourselves frantically juggling separate plates containing our compartmentalized lives. Presumably, if you spread enough of yourself around in equal parts and you’ll have the formula for success.”

“Successful and happy people don’t worry a lot about balance; they create lives of congruence instead. A congruent life is about doing work (personal and professional) that connects with the essence of who you really are. Each of us has a contribution to make, and when our work is in alignment with our skills and talents, it doesn’t take away from our lives, it adds to it.”

Soul work or ego feed?

“The question we need to ask ourselves is, are you doing the work of your soul? Or are you like so many of us, frantically running around like a gerbil on an exercise wheel trying to feed your ego? Your ego is so wrapped up in an exterior-driven version of perfection that it’s never going to cut you any slack, but your soul knows exactly what you were meant to do. And it’s always happy when you do it.”

A four-letter word

“There’s a four-letter word that is the secret of all success, and it has nothing to do with balance, it’s actually love. Yes, L-O-V-E. Love has been the cornerstone of every successful venture since the dawn of time, from the American Revolution to Apple Computer. And it’s the key to more profits and more happiness. Logically, when you love what you do, you get your mind and your body in the same place at the same time, and that’s when your soul finally has permission to show up. And it’s your soul that gives off the shine. Infusing love into your work is a choice, and fortunately, it’s a decision you get to make every day.”

If you spark to these thoughts, read more in Lisa’s book:

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