If you are an Executive Mom who travels a lot, you’ve likely become a whiz at the airport routine, whipping through e-ticket check-in with flair. Yet how to ensure you’re not getting stuck with the worst of the lot once on board?
With a quick check before your trip, you can get the scoop on the best seats possible at SEATGURU.COM

Prior to booking, you can use SeatGuru as a resource to compare airlines (i.e. which ones really have the widest seats in each class). Once you have your ticket or itinerary, it’s also a great resource to maximize your comfort in-flight. Find the plane you’ll be flying, and SeatGuru shows you the good seats, the ones to be wary of… even seats near a power port if it’s going to be one of those laptop-intensive trips. Scroll over a given seat, and further explanations pop up.

Should you already be on the way to the airport when you feel the need for a reference check, a simplified version– Mobile SeatGuru– is now available for handheld devices. Download it to your PDA and you’re on your way.

Find the best airplane seats at www.seatguru.com

Should you also want some perspective (or a laugh) about what you might eat on-board, take a look at AIRLINEMEALS.NET

In the infinite world of cyberspace, there is in fact a comprehensive website devoted to nothing but airplane food. A bit of a cult phenomenon, travelers from around the world have taken to snapping photos of the best and worst airline meals, and they are all archived here for your perusal.

For instance, above, here’s what you might be dining on should you be soon flying Air Madagascar. You can wistfully compare first class meals to coach. (And the vintage airline meal pictures are a particular hoot).

Brown bag it or visit airlinemeals.net
Happy Travels…