You know those June Cleaver-esque mothers who have their kids’ lunches neatly bagged the night before, who have all activities color-coded on a calendar? … Yeah, well, we’ve never been one of those, either. However, in the never-ending quest for better ORGANIZATION, we do have a favorite new weapon… (and it’s the first feature of our new BOOKSHELF SECTION on
“GOT KIDS? GET ORGANIZED!” is a one-stop binder for organizing family information with worklike efficiency.

We think of it as Filofax: the Busy Mother Edition. Divided into different thematic sections: Emergency * Medical * School Activities * Vacation * Miscellaneous

It also wisely includes plastic folders for throwing in other stuff… …(because there’s always other stuff). Even if you still rely on your PC or PDA, it’s a great babysitter’s resource.

 From One Mom’s Solution to a Tool for the Mother Masses…

“Got Kids? Get Organized!” was ceated by former finance executive and mom Amy Shwartzstein, who wanted a more streamlined way to stay on top of her kids’ busy (and detail- intensive) lives. Based on demand from friends for one of their own, she self-funded a first print run with the encouragement of her husband. Poignantly, the boxes arrived Sept. 10, 2001; one day later he died in the World Trade Center attack. In the aftermath, Amy threw herself into this project even more intently… The result? An organizer for us all…

“Got Kids? Get Organized!” is now available on most major booksellers’ websites. It retails for $24.95. Learn more, pick one up (and check out other books we’ve spotlighted)…

Browse for this and other select books on the bookshelf
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Marisa Thalberg
Executive Moms


phone: 917-715-1115