Multiple choice question. You:

  A.   Love to shop but have no time
  B.   Love to have cool new styles but hate to shop
  C.   Love to shop and do nothing BUT shop all day long

(If C, who ARE you, exactly)???
If you answered A or B, we suggest you check out

We liked them right from their motto: We shop the web so you don’t have to. is the brainchild of former personal shopper and AOL style expert Michelle Madhok, who found herself fielding requests from time-starved women (i.e. working moms) for online shopping ideas. In response, she launched to sevice women by gleaning fashion trends and then surfing the web to cherrypick some of the best items out there (as well as deals).

Cool Picks For You… and Your Offspring Too

Given that their focus is on-line shopping, many of SheFinds’ features revolve around accessories or beauty so that trying on is not an issue. You can browse their archives to find themes of interest like “tankinis” or “spring bags” (each feature tends to consists of about 5-6 items) … or take a look at current features including those on high-fashion, lesser-known kids clothes and maternity wear.

Start browsing now at

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Marisa Thalberg
Executive Moms


phone: 917-715-1115