There’s a reason shows like “Trading Spaces” have become so highly watched among our demographic. There’s something very compelling about the idea of having a professional take a room in your home, work with what you have, make some key changes, and transform it– on a budget. But there might never have been a “Trading Places” if it weren’t for the work of Lauri Ward, and her vision of decorating via “using what you have.”

“USE WHAT YOU HAVE INTERIORS” is one-day decorating, for everyone

Here’s how it works: Lauri or one of her army of specially trained designers comes in and assesses the room in question. (They charge one flat fee for the room; more on that in a bit). Through looking and listening (i.e. Do you own? How long are you going to stay? What do you really need?) they start envisioning how to make the room better.

The advice can range from the the little touches, like how to re-hang art or better showcase books in a bookcase, to the big, and potentially quite expensive, to implement. (We were advised a wall of assorted furniture in our bedroom would be best replaced by an entire built-in unit. Follow-up estimate: over $10,000).

“Use What You Have” Advises… You Execute

The good news and the bad news is that “Use What You Have” provides you with a written game-plan. It’s then up to you to implement it. Lauri and her team feel their key role is to keep clients from making expensive mistakes, to make their space work best for them and to also add value to their home.

Clearly, the biggest difference is on what you’ll spend on their consulting services. Traditional decorators can cost thousands in fees and commissions; here are their flat costs (based on a standard room): For Lauri: $550, for a senior designer: $425 and for a staff designer: $325. BONUS: “Use What You Have” will give any Executive Mom $25 off any room (excluding baths and halls). Not ready commit? You can start stealing some of their best tricks by checking out Lauri’s newest book, “Trade Secrets from USe What You Have.”

Learn More at

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Executive Moms