This Momorandum is Sponsored by MY CHILD’S BEST FRIEND

Growing up, we always wondered if every other family sat together jovially playing Parcheesi and Life the way they showed on the game boxes. There’s a game, though that we’ve recently come across that just might enable that scenario…

Life Stories lets you bond over sharing memories, stories, and secret wishes.

Revealing enough to be played with even jaded teenagers who thought they already knew everything about you… Life Stories is particularly good to play with family and close friends (but could be great as well for a work offsite– and much cheaper than a fancy facilitator). How you play? Simply move around the board, picking cards that ask questions like: Describe an event you’ll never forget from your school days, or If you had a month to do whatever you wanted and cost were not a factor, what would it be? or Tell a joke you played on someone…

“Winning” Isn’t Everything…

It may run against your competitive grain that there are technically no winners in Life Stories (though we could think of ways to make it sport)… The real goal is to surprise yourself and others with what you share and what you learn. It’s bonding in a box. Life Stories in available on-line. Regular price: $29.99, now $24.99. Learn more or shop now: Life Stories

This Momorandum is sponsored by My Child’s Best Friend: Join them for Nanny Employer Etiquette 101

Whether you’re experienced with childcare or just getting started, join the experts at My Child’s Best Friend for a special seminar on NANNY EMPLOYER ETIQUETTE 101. Learn how you can better manage the risks and the challenges when employing your nanny:

  • Next Wednesday, June 16, 2004
  • at Generations, 121 East 77th Street
  • 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM

For more information call them at 212-396-4090 or visit:

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Marisa Thalberg
Executive Moms

phone: 917-715-1115